November 8 2021 - 2.0hrs - 4088.0 total total. Got out thimble sander and re-sanded all the pieces I did yesterday, then finished up the remaining stiffeners and diagonals. Ready to start gluing! Glued center blocking and both wing attach blocking sections on the lower edge only. Have to be able to pull back the upper section to glue in the gear blocking, so can't glue anything to the upper beam yet.
November 10 2021 - 1.5hrs - 4089.5 total. Glued both landing gear blocking pieces to lower beam.
November 11 2021 - 1.5hrs - 4091.0 total. Went and bought some oak stock. Cut to length and laminated up 2ea blocks to be used for the tie down attach points.
All stiffeners and diagonals complete, including lightening holes
All stiffeners and diagonals complete, including lightening holes
All stiffeners and diagonals complete, including lightening holes
Starting to glue the blocking to the lower beam
All stiffeners and diagonals complete, including lightening holes
All stiffeners and diagonals complete, including lightening holes
Oak stock cut to size, ready to be laminated
All stiffeners and diagonals complete, including lightening holes
Oak stock cut to size, ready to be laminated
November 12 2021 - 1.5hrs - 4092.5 total. Removed laminated oak blocking from clamps and cleaned up excess glue. Sanded to shape for each side of the wing.
November 13 2021 - 6.5hrs - 4099.0 total. Glued top beam to top of central, wing attach and gear blocking. Glued in tie down oak blocking to top and bottom beams, as well as rib stiffeners 12 & 13 that are glued to the sides on each of them. Used left over glue to glue in one of the rib stiffeners in the center section. The spar is all one piece now.
November 14 2021 - 8.5hrs - 4107.5 total. Removed clamps from tie down blocking and center section glue jobs. Glued spar tips together. Glued all remaining stiffeners and diagonals in center section between gear blocking. Also sealed all interior surfaces in this area.
Laminated oak blocking sanded to fit
All center section blocking, stiffeners and diagonals glued in and sealed
Spar tips glued together
Spar tips glued together
November 15 2021 - 1.5hrs - 4109.0 total. Removed clamps from spar tips. Verified final position of upper and lower beams in jig. Glued rib stiffeners #4, 5 and 6 and associated diagonals on right side. Sealed all interior surfaces in this area.
November 17 2021 - 2.0hrs - 4111.0 total. Glued rib stiffeners #4, 5 and 6 and associated diagonals on left side. Sealed all interior surfaces in this area. Started laying out materials to build a mockup section of the spar to be used for figuring out the landing gear configuration.
November 19 2021 - 2.5hrs - 4113.5 total. Glued rib stiffeners #7,8,9 and 10 and associated diagonals on right side. Sealed all interior surfaces in this area. Traced and cut out section of wing profile onto scrap 3/8" construction grade plywood to use as base for spar mockup for gear pintle angle testing.
November 20 2021 - 5.0hrs - 4118.5 total. Glued rib stiffeners #7,8,9 and 10 and associated diagonals on left side. Sealed all interior surfaces in this area. Glued in all remaining rib stiffeners on right side - #13 to 21 and sealed the remaining inside surfaces on the right side all the way to the tip.
November 21 2021 - 6.0hrs - 4124.5 total. First thing in the morning, glued in all remaining rib stiffeners on left side - #13 to 21 and sealed the remaining inside surfaces on the left side all the way to the tip. After about 10hrs started taking the jig apart. By the time it was completely loose it had been about 12hrs since the glue job this morning. Was anxious to see if there were major problems on the other side. Only a couple of small areas that will need to be touched up. The next step will be the scary part of cutting a large section off the front of the spar from rib #14 tapering out to the tip. Will not be able to work on this again till next weekend, so stay tuned till then!
Stiffeners and diagonals 4,5 and 6 on right side, glued in and sealed
Stiffeners and diagonals 4,5 and 6 on right side, glued in and sealed
Stiffeners and diagonals 4,5 and 6 on right side, glued in and sealed
Stiffeners and diagonals 7 to 10 on right side glued and sealed
Stiffeners and diagonals 4,5 and 6 on right side, glued in and sealed
Stiffeners and diagonals 4,5 and 6 on right side, glued in and sealed
Right side 13 to 22 glued in and sealed
Stiffeners and diagonals 4,5 and 6 on right side, glued in and sealed
Right side 13 to 22 glued in and sealed
Right side has all pieces installed and sealed.
Spar out of the jig!
Spar out of the jig!
Spar out of the jig!
Spar out of the jig!
December 6 2021 - 1.0hrs - 4125.5 total. Was finally able to get back to work on the project. The holidays are taking a lot of time with bazars, concerts, parties, etc. Over the last three weeks I've had a little time here and there and have measured and marked the location for the cut line on the outer ends of the spar. I've done it three times now, and each time its been a little different. Once I can measure it three times and have it be the same each time - then I'll feel confident I've got it right!
December 8 2021 - 2.0hrs - 4127.5 total. Re-measured the cut lines three more times and got the same thing each time. Looks good! Cut the tips of the spar down to final length, removing the long pieces I had left for help with clamping an aligning in the jig. Transferred line location to bottom side of spar on each end as well. Check measurements on bottom side. Started planning how to make the cut. Looks like the most accurate will be to use a standard hand saw. Started setting up a cutting guide on one end. Will cut about 1/8" away from line then sand to final shape.
December 9 2021 - 3.0hrs - 4130.5 total. Cut the tapers in both ends of the spar. Used a jigsaw for one end, and tried a small circular saw on the other. Both were too short to reach to the center so had to finish the cuts with a hand saw. I started initially with a hand saw, but it was taking much too long. I'm afraid my old handsaw is very dull. The cuts turned out fine and are about 1/8" oversized so I'll need to sand to final shape. Laid the spar back down into the jig and started sanding the back side in preparation for gluing on the rear web. Got the left half of the spar mostly ready.
The 3rd time I've marked the cut line...
Cutting the end taper with small circular saw
Setting up a cutting guide for a hand saw
Setting up a cutting guide for a hand saw
Cutting the end taper with small circular saw
Setting up a cutting guide for a hand saw
Cutting the end taper with small circular saw
Cutting the end taper with small circular saw
Cutting the end taper with small circular saw
After top and bottom cuts with circular saw, cutting center with handsaw
Backside of left side of spar sanded in preparation for gluing on web
Cutting the drain channel
Cutting the drain channel
December 11 2021 -2.0hrs - 4132.5 total. Removed all the threaded rod from the worktable, opening up the surface of the table and making it possible to turn the spar over. Started cutting the water drain channel in the back bottom edge of the the rib stiffeners. Continued sanding the back surface of the spar. Not done with it yet.
December 16 2021 - 2.0hrs - 4134.5 total. Finished sanding back surface of spar. Started going back and knocking down the shine in the little pockets and irregularities. Finished cutting the drain channel.
December 17 2021 - 4.5hrs - 4139.0 total. A couple of the very experienced guys from the local EAA chapter are coming by in the morning to help me glue the rear web onto the spar. Spent this evening getting ready. Cleaned out, ground down and final sanded the water channel. Went over entire back surface of spar with detail sander getting rid of the shiny spots. Got out one of the finished webs, blocked it onto position on the table. Sanded the entire web inside surface to remove shine from plywood. Went and picked up some more rollers and another gallon of thickener. Made up list and sequence for tomorrow's work.
December 18 2021 - 3 workers for 8.5hrs each = 25.5hrs - 4164.5 total. We started at 10:00am and went till 7:00pm with a half hour for lunch. Bill and Matt went way beyond what I had expected. I thought it might take 4hrs max! Thanks guys! Traced the internal structure of the spar onto, what will be, the outside surfaces of the webs. Rigged up some blocking for position the spar onto the web. Put a thick coat of thin epoxy on the rear spar internal surface. Put a coat of thin on the rear surface of the spar, then added a very thick coat of thickened. Turned the spar over and placed it exactly on top of the web which was already blocked into precise position. Used shims and blocking to final align the spar on the web. Discovered I had mixed the thickened epoxy so thick that we need a lot of force to squeeze it out as needed. Very quickly put most of the threaded rod clamps back into the table and used them to squeeze the spar down onto the web. They work extremely well for this. Cleaned and filleted all around the outside and on all the joints inside. Used pipe cleaners and some wire to clear the water channels of any thickened glue. Rear spar web is glued on!
Internal spar structure traced onto outside of spar webs for future reference
Rear web glued on - threaded rod clamps very helpful
Another view of the rear web glue job
Another view of the rear web glue job
December 20 2021 -0.5hrs - 4165.0 total. Started removing spar from clamps. Also started cleaning up the front side in preparation for glue on front web.
December 21 2021 - 3.0hrs - 4168.0 total. Removed all the clamps. Retracted the threaded rod down into the table to keep it there, but out of the way. Sanded down the tapers in the spar tips to final shape. Sanded the entire front of the spar. Inspected the face after sanding and marked all areas that need touching up. Started cleaning up all the areas to be touched up. Made it half way.
December 22 2021 - 2.0hrs - 4170.0 total. Finished cleaning up front side of spar. Hand sanded all edges. Vacuumed out internal areas. Next step will be to fill all the little problem areas with epoxy before final preparation to glue on the web.
December 23 2021 - 1.5hrs - 4171.5 total. Touched all the little spots that needed filled using slightly thickened epoxy.
December 24 2021 - 0.5hrs - 4172.0 total. Started sanding down the touched up areas. About 2/3 of the way done.
December 26 2021 - 1.5hrs - 4173.5 total. Finished sanding spar touched up areas. Got out forward web and sanded entire rear surface. Also sanded down scarf joints on inside surface, as they had never been finished up. Pretty much ready to glue the forward web into place now.
Touching up the front of the spar
2nd coat of epoxy sealer on all inside surfaces
2nd coat of epoxy sealer on all inside surfaces
2nd coat of epoxy sealer on all inside surfaces
December 30 2021 -4.5hrs - 4178.0 total. Drilled the drain/pressure relief holes on the rear spar web. Used a countersink to put a bit of a "drain like" area on the inner side of the drain holes. Sealed holes with thin epoxy. Put another coat of epoxy on all inside surfaces, then went back and added a third coat on the bottom beam and a little up on the area of the web where they meet. The guys will be here at 9:00am to help me glue the front web in place!
December 31 2021 - 18hrs - 4196.0 total. 3 workers x 6 hrs = 18hrs of work. Bill and Matt came by again and helped glue the front web onto the spar. We ended up putting all of the table clamps back in place and using them all, as well as some weights and a lot of blocking. Glue job turned out very well.
January 2 2022 - 1.5hrs - 4197.5 total. Made myself wait for two days for the glue to dry before removing the clamps. The starboard tip of the spar curves forward about a 1/4" even after both webs are applied. I'll have to compensate by shimming the last few ribs on that side. Spent about an hour cleaning up the jig table, removing the all thread clamps and all the blocking. Found a couple of areas where there are gaps in the glue that will need to be touched up. Nothing too serious. All in all, very pleased with the result!
January 5 2022 - 0.5hrs - 4198.0 total. Cleaned up one of the areas that needed some glue touch ups. Ready to add some glue.
Front web, glued on and drying
This is the squeeze out we cleaned off the outside
Completed main spar! Still needs some sanding and cleanup, but basically finished!
Completed main spar! Still needs some sanding and cleanup, but basically finished!
January 7 2022 - 2.0hrs - 4200.0 total. Found another small area that needed touched up. Finished prepping both areas then filled them both with thin epoxy. Started working on the mockup spar section again. This will be used to figure out the landing gear pivot.
January 8 2022 - 2.0hrs - 4202.0 total. Worked on the mockup spar some more.
January 9 2022 - 2.5hrs - 4204.5 total. Finished building the mock spar section. Still need to make a stand for it. Talked with the welder about the landing gear plans some more. Started sanding down the glue joints on the spar. There's a LOT of surface area there! Its going to take a while.
January 12 2022 - 3.0hrs - 4207.5 total. Made up a stand for the spar section mockup. Sanded on the spar some more. Have 1/2 of the top done, so 1/4 of the entire spar finished sanding. On the subject of the landing gear - was looking into alternatives and thought I'd see if I could get a look at the Jurca MJ-10 75% Spitfire plans. I e-mailed several weeks ago asking if I could buy the landing gear plans, and they just sent them to me! If I end up using them, I will be sure to pay them. I've forwarded them onto the welder to go over and see if its something he is willing to try. These would be much better looking and more accurate than adapting the Navion gear. I think, in the long run, it would be easier too.
Glue touch up before and after.
Starting on the mockup spar section
Mock spar section basically done, still needs a stand
Mock spar section basically done, still needs a stand